Brian Wride Music


Technical Support

As an additional service, Brian is pleased to offer audio services for your corporate or entertainment event.

Over the years, Brian has amassed quite a collection of audio equipment and could comfortably provide sound reinforcement for pretty much any venue in the North Durham area. 

He has considerable experience as an audio operator, having worked full-time in the audio-visual industry for over a decade, both as an employee and a freelancer.  More recently, Brian has been behind the soundboard at the Springtide and Wintersong festivals and provided tech support to CD launches for Dawna Marie, Silver Penny, and Tom Newman.

Currently he volunteers with the Greenbank Folk Music Society, where he has done sound for the likes of Stephen Fearing, Madison Violet, and Boreal.

For more information, or to inquire about booking an event, please call 905-852-6131